
What Dreams Are Made Of

Category 1: A. Texture: the scene where the camera focuses on the smoke from the smoke machine. B. Repetition: smarties are being eaten throughout the film. C. Visual contrast: When Lily is seen smoking in the basement and then we flash to what everyone else is doing in the party.
Category 3: There is a scene of A. wet/dry with Lily in the bathroom, cleaning herself, she starts dry then becomes wet. B. Concept of drugs, self explanatory, the scene with smarties and alcohol
Category 4: EMOTIONS. Scene where Lily, collapses into tub is Exhaustion. Scene where Lily is carried away by random guy is Fear.
Category 5: Pan, Transition, Montage, Medium Close-up, Close-up
Category 6: A. High Angle Shot: the bathroom scene with all the girls and Matt standing on toilet to film. B. Low-Angle Shot: when the girls take the smarties in the bathroom. C. Lead the Eye: the shot of the girls walking down the stairs to the party & the stairs lead they eye to the oncoming party. D. Multi-layer action: The shot where Lily walks to the bar and in the background someone pours her a drink and gives it to her. E. 3’s and 4’s: When the girls are in the bathroom there is a bit of a triangle.
Category 7: A. Long take: the shot with Lily walking down the stairs, grabbing a drink, and then moving to the wall. B. Delayed Revelation: the last point of view scene in the film where Lily finally looks at the nightstand and sees a cup of something along with smarties. C. Discovery: the very beginning of the film, nothing is focused on in particular, then you see Lily running into scene, and then they get to the house.
Category 8: POV Object: When Lily dunks her head in the water and when we see what is going on in the party. B. Reflection: Lily looking in a mirror in bathroom. C. Voyeur: when Matt is standing on the toilet watching the girls do smarties in the bathroom
Category 9: A. Search up: Where the camera searches up on Lily when she is leaning on the wall. B. Sleepover: Lily is passed out in the tub, and there is a shot above her as she is passed out.
Category 10: A. Multi-Take: when the girls walk into the bathroom, and then we have them walking into the bathroom but from a different angle. B. Montage Sequence: party scenes. C. Impact Flash: the scene where the camera focuses on Lily as strobe lights go off at 4 minutes.

Photo Essay Process

When I was first assigned the word “bold”, I was somewhat lost. Of course I understood the meaning of the word, yet I was unsure how exactly I was going to represent it. After all, bold has different meanings for different people, and so I wasn’t sure what I needed to capture.

It all became much clearer when my roommates had their beds decorated by their older sorority sisters. I looked around amongst the bright colors, confetti, balloons, and wild gifts and was instantly inspired to take photos. Therefore, the first images I took, which fill many of those posted on flickr, represented bold in it’s literal form. After taking as many pictures as possible in my room, I decided it was time to capture the more abstract meaning of bold. That night and onward, I began to take images when I felt as though a certain situation or person was bold.

The process of creating this photo essay was actually quite challenging. Not being a photographer, it was difficult to capture certain scenes and still convey the main message. I also was challenged by the amount of time given. I feel as though I was rushed towards the end, and if I had been given more time, I would have been able to take more abstract and artistic photos.

Yet overall this project really made me become more observant. Now when I look at an advertisement in a magazine, a piece of art, a photograph on Facebook, or a sign in a store, I look at different elements to explain what time of mood the photographer was trying to set. I look at sharpness in the image, colors, shapes, and textures. This project really showed me that everything counts.

My 24 images:




I believe this image perfectly portrays the word “bold”. Not only does it represent the literal meaning of bold, through the representation of the deep colors of red, orange, and green of the peppers, yet it also focuses on something more abstract–a bold move or the act of being bold. Eating chili peppers, or more specifically, the entire amount of chili peppers that is presented, is sure for disaster. Thus, this image is great in that it goes further than just represent something literally bod. it attempts to approach the word bold in a way that is far less superficial.