Category 1: A. Texture: the scene where the camera focuses on the smoke from the smoke machine. B. Repetition: smarties are being eaten throughout the film. C. Visual contrast: When Lily is seen smoking in the basement and then we flash to what everyone else is doing in the party.
Category 3: There is a scene of A. wet/dry with Lily in the bathroom, cleaning herself, she starts dry then becomes wet. B. Concept of drugs, self explanatory, the scene with smarties and alcohol
Category 4: EMOTIONS. Scene where Lily, collapses into tub is Exhaustion. Scene where Lily is carried away by random guy is Fear.
Category 5: Pan, Transition, Montage, Medium Close-up, Close-up
Category 6: A. High Angle Shot: the bathroom scene with all the girls and Matt standing on toilet to film. B. Low-Angle Shot: when the girls take the smarties in the bathroom. C. Lead the Eye: the shot of the girls walking down the stairs to the party & the stairs lead they eye to the oncoming party. D. Multi-layer action: The shot where Lily walks to the bar and in the background someone pours her a drink and gives it to her. E. 3’s and 4’s: When the girls are in the bathroom there is a bit of a triangle.
Category 7: A. Long take: the shot with Lily walking down the stairs, grabbing a drink, and then moving to the wall. B. Delayed Revelation: the last point of view scene in the film where Lily finally looks at the nightstand and sees a cup of something along with smarties. C. Discovery: the very beginning of the film, nothing is focused on in particular, then you see Lily running into scene, and then they get to the house.
Category 8: POV Object: When Lily dunks her head in the water and when we see what is going on in the party. B. Reflection: Lily looking in a mirror in bathroom. C. Voyeur: when Matt is standing on the toilet watching the girls do smarties in the bathroom
Category 9: A. Search up: Where the camera searches up on Lily when she is leaning on the wall. B. Sleepover: Lily is passed out in the tub, and there is a shot above her as she is passed out.
Category 10: A. Multi-Take: when the girls walk into the bathroom, and then we have them walking into the bathroom but from a different angle. B. Montage Sequence: party scenes. C. Impact Flash: the scene where the camera focuses on Lily as strobe lights go off at 4 minutes.